scientific minds are at work in Whitefish, Montana. Michael Smith, a former computer coding
specialist moved to Montana in 1998 for the beautiful scenery. It was shortly after that he thought of a
process that involves algae, mill and logging waste, and carbon dioxide to make
energy. The entire process is explained
with flowcharts and detailed descriptions on their website, along with photos
of their complex Green Power House, Anaerobic Bioreactors, and the Organic
Carbon Engine, a specialized mechanical fabrication project that Acutech, LLC
enjoyed creating for AACT.
Algae AquaCulture Technology, or AACT, created a system to increase the speed of natural
processes that produce renewable energy and biofuels. Anaerobic bioreactors are specially
formulated capsules that convert algal biomass to hydrogen and methane. Based in Whitefish, Montana, the company is
the work of many great minds, compiling knowledge of renewable energy and waste
management. At the grand opening of
their plant this summer, interested community members and prominent government
and environmentalists attended, eager to see the biorefinery prototype in
This project
has attracted the attention of such agencies as the Department of Defense, a
group that is very interested in finding energy alternatives for the United
States. The Green Power House (GPH) is
the greenhouse structure created exclusively by AACT to convert waste heat and
carbon dioxide into bio-oils and electric power. The byproduct that results from the process
is an organic fertilizer and soil amendments- there is virtually no waste
produced from the GPH.
Now that the
planning and actual fabrication of the prototype greenhouse unit is completed,
the process must be tested and streamlined, at which point AACT hopes to expand
to other lumber mills and larger facilities.
Thanks to AACT and help from Acutech, the project is putting Montana on
the map for renewable energy source hot spots.
Acutech and
AACT are located in Columbia Falls, Montana, just west of Glacier National
Park. The Flathead Valley is an area
that has seen rapid growth in the manufacturing and industrial metal work field
in the past five years. You can find
more information and more examples of stainless steel fabrication, metal work,
CNC machining, and precision water jet and laser cutting on Acutech’s website,
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